Drop In
$12 General Public
$5 Students/Seniors(65+)/Veterans (w/ID)
5-Classes (save $3) $22
10-Classes (save $5) $45
20-Classes (save $10) $90
+free t-shirt w/ 20-Class
General Population
5-Classes (save $5) $55
10-Classes (save $15) $105
20-Classes (save $60) $180
+free t-shirt w/ 20-Class Class Packages
Monthly Unlimited
Monthly rates for access to any number of regular classes. Series, workshops, and special classes/events excluded.
General Public $70/mo
Stu/Sen/Vet $35/mo
Cancellation Policy, Terms, & Conditions​ for GENERAL CLASSES
To attend class, sign up online at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of class. If you have questions about signing up online, please email at RootedStudiowi@gmail.com or use our contact form below.
If you can no longer come to a class, please remove yourself from the class on Schedulicity; no need to contact us. If you do not cancel at least 30 min in advance of the class you signed up for, you will be charged for your spot.

Cancellation Policy, Terms, & Conditions​ for SERIES, WORKSHOPS, & SPECIAL CLASSES
Sessions from packages cannot be put towards series/ workshops/special classes, unless stated otherwise.
Minimum 4 students needed for the session to run; maximum 12-16 (varies by instructor).
Registration can be canceled up to 24 hours in advance of the first class by emailing/messaging the studio; you will receive a full refund of your deposit.
If you cancel within less than 24 hours of the first class, or if you ask to cancel after class has begun, you will not receive your deposit back.
In a 4-week series, you are allowed to miss one class and make it up by attending any other yoga class at the studio. No refunds or adjustments given for missed classes.
In an 8-week series, you are allowed to miss two classes and make them up by attending any other yoga classes at the studio. No refunds or adjustments given for missed classes.
Make up classes must be complete within 2 weeks of the last date of the series.